Climate Valuation is the first, and only, company to provide professional investment-grade physical climate risk analysis to individual property owners on a global scale.
We make climate risk accessible, easy to understand and actionable for individuals and communities so people can “see change coming” and make more informed decisions.
We support individual households in the process of buying, selling, owning or renovating a property to be more resilient to climate change.
We offer bulk batch data and API integration to professional services involved in the purchase or sale of a property.
We work with all levels of government to identify high risk areas and implement adaptation to improve community resilience to climate change.
Our mission is to empower individuals with the information to understand the costs of climate change to residential property, leading to greater transparency, better decision making and improved community resilience. We aim to visualise our climate change futures with accuracy so that households can better understand how the changing climate will affect their homes, neighbourhoods and financial investments. In doing so, we hope to set individuals and communities on a pathway to resilience and compel all levels of business and government to tackle the issues of climate change.
Our mission is to empower individuals with the information to understand the costs of climate change to residential property, leading to greater transparency, better decision making and improved community resilience. We aim to visualize our climate change futures with accuracy so that households can better understand how the changing climate will affect their homes, neighbourhoods and financial investments. In doing so, we hope to set individuals and communities on a pathway to resilience and compel all levels of business and government to tackle the issues of climate change.
As industry leaders, we're never satisfied with the status quo. We are constantly seeking to advance our people, technologies, data and products to anticipate the needs of the market and improve the outcomes for our clients and our communities.
We believe in the power of change and are committed to ensuring equal access to insights that can build the prosperity and sustainability of our global community. Our products and services are supported by scientific rigour and developed with the aim to improve outcomes for individuals and their homes.
For us, excellence is not only a value; it is a discipline and a means for making the world a better place. We strive to deliver the highest quality and value through simple, easy and relevant solutions that inform, empower and facilitate change.
Our diverse team of climate specialists have over 25 years experience in climate change mitigation, policy and technical analysis.
Our diverse team of climate specialists have over 25 years experience in climate change mitigation, policy and technical analysis.
Our diverse team of climate specialists have over 25 years experience in climate change mitigation, policy and technical analysis.
Climate Risk was established in 2005 with the specific mission to compute the costs of climate change risks to society, so that the costs of inaction on emissions could be understood.
In 2019, Climate Valuation expanded its technical capabilities to include risks from other climate change and extreme weather hazards such as forest fire, riverine flooding, extreme wind and drought.
In 2022, Climate Valuation unveiled its new brand identity, launching a range of new retail reports to assist homeowners and homebuyers in measuring and managing the risks from climate change and extreme weather.
Climate Risk was established in 2005 with the specific mission to compute the costs of climate change risks to society, so that the costs of inaction on emissions could be understood.
To support the democratisation of climate risk information, Climate Risk launched a new brand “Climate Valuation” that specialised in the analysis of sea level rise and coastal inundation on residential property.
In 2019, Climate Valuation expanded its technical capabilities to include risks from other climate change and extreme weather hazards such as forest fire, riverine flooding, extreme wind and drought.
In 2022, Climate Valuation unveiled its new brand identity, launching a range of new retail reports to assist homeowners and homebuyers in measuring and managing the risks from climate change and extreme weather.
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